17 McMillan Street

Swifts Creek, VIC 3896

Phone:   5150 2430 (open and after hours)

Fax:   5150 2439

E-mail:   swiftscknurse@gha.net.au


The town has a Saw Mill that employs a number of community members.
Swifts Creek is mainly a farming community.
Swifts Creek Community Pool
Picturesque township of Swifts Creek
DELWP – Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Great Alpine Road – Armit’s Avenue
The former Bush Nurse Manager getting to work in extreme weather conditions

Bus services

Bus service number 14, Bairnsfield-Omeo

Bairnsfield-> Omeo bus route 14

Bus operators website: https://www.dysongroup.com.au/about/depots/bairnsdale

Transport Victoria trip planner: https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/journey/